What's this guy's story...?
I’m Philip, I’ve been a professional chef cooking and baking for most of my career until now. I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from some truly great people, but more importantly I am still eager to learn everyday. My career has taken me far and wide, eventually landing me on the shores of Greece.
This is now my home where I live with my wife and daughter. When I’m not filming, I’m probably in the centre of Athens exploring a backstreet or two, in search of something to eat… or something to cook!
If you find yourself in Athens, and at a loose end, then drop me a line. If I’m not filming then I’ll drag you on a backstreet tour or two, with a quick stop at the market… for a mezedaki and ouzaki!

What's it all about...?
The chances are that you landed here from YouTube. I uploaded my first video on July the 25th 2019 and immediately fell in love with the process of cooking and filming. At that point I hadn’t set my compass, but now, and thanks to the great community, the channel and website is focused on exploring the wonderful world of sourdough and baking.
The Culinary Exploration website is the new addition to my online content. It will be the hub where I can stay in contact, provide recipes, and...
Have a little peek below to see what's coming...
What's coming next...
The community / member area for culinary exploration is coming soon. Until then feel free to sign up for the email community, where I stay in touch with everybody on a regular basis, providing some dedicated content not available on YouTube.
There will be more exciting additions for the website coming in 2022 (well I’m excited anyway!). That’s the only carrot I’m dangling for now, and if you're subscribed to my email community, I’ll be sure to keep you up to date.
Click below to subscribe.
Stay Tuned